When I was 8 years old I was unfortunate enough to be diagnosed with an advanced stage Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia and very nearly didn't make it. The consultant a Dr Kernahan (lovely lady) used to call me her little miracle.
While this wasn't a particuarly fun time for me, it was ten times worse for my parents, grandparents and family. As a child you tend to just get on with things but the real worry and anguish was with those powerless to help.
I've never done any fundraising like this before and while its not exactly a marathon lol...Im keen to raise as much as possible for this very worthy charity and contribute what I can to support the ongoing advances in treatment for this terrible blood cancer. Its not just the people with the disease its the people going through it with you too.
Give whatever you can, no amount is too little as it all counts.
Many thanks for your support.