I am 52 years old I was a Head chef and owned my own business,I went blind over night about 15 years ago ,my world ended ,I went into severe depression and tried too take my own life I thought what was the point of carrying on can you imagine not being able too see faces , drive ,go for walks do anything your independence is taken from you.I was than taken too an organisation called action for blind who put me in touch with the RNIB witch led on too Guide Dogs for the blind I was first taught white cane training than applied for my first guide dog ,I was matched with my first guide dog Usher and had intensive training after about 6 weeks of hard work I was able too gain some confidence back , it took a while but with the guide dogs continual support I went from strength too strength this enabled me too go too university too study psychology .Than another disaster struck I was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder (a rare type of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome) I had to have various operations and ended up in a chair, my first guide dog was retired and I was trained with a dual purpose Dog Maisy again Guide Dogs fully supported me emotionally after lots of physio I managed to walk again, So I went to Turkey with my father who was my rock and the first day we arrived he fell and died in Fethiye I came home and again Guide dogs stepped in gave me so much support and matched me with my present Guide dog Shadow, who was trained too walk at my pace and is my best friend and has allowed me too do many different activities including raising money and awareness of this fantastic charity .I keep in regular contact with my puppy Walker who ia an amazing lady and without the dedication of these remarkable people who train guide dogs and help in so many ways I wouldn’t be here today , they really do save lives .I have met many amazing people through this charity and they really turned my life around , I understand times are hard for people at this moment in time but it would be so much appreciated for a small donation as it saves peoples lives , I am living proof of that , I will be forever in Guide Dogs debt and will do anything for them too help others living with sight loss .