Hello everyone!
So this year my college, Nexus Trust are doing an event called RAG week (Raising And Giving). Nexus do this every year as a way to raise money for the college because the student fees that we pay only cover about 50% of the running costs of nexus.
Every year Nexus set the bar very high, for example last year the entire college cycled to Amsterdam and back again in a week, which is just ridiculous, really amazing though. This year the task we've been given is by no means a small feet...
As a college this year we are going to be attepting to break 6 world records in one week, yes you read that right... 6 world records, in one week. We're going to be doing this by doing a marathon in each of our intrument departments. Our Vocalists, Guitarists, Bass players and Keys players are all aiming to play/sing for a constant 48 hours in order to break/set the records that are currently there and our drummers are aiming to break the record that Nexus currently hold so they're aiming to play for 72 hours.
This event involves everyone at Nexus, the students and staff are all either taking part in the marathon themselves or they are on our media team, helping to document and record the whole event, or they are on the lovely support team who are looking after us all whilst doing the event, giving us food, checking we're doing ok, giving us encouragement etc. So this really is a whole team effort, no-ones role is any less significant than someone elses, one part of this body cannot function without another doing it's bit. This is really an awesome event.
So this page is to just to make you guys all aware of what we are doing this year for RAG week, and for you guys to hoepfully considering sponsoring me. I would really love to reach my target of £500 and to exceed that, I want to do that because I want to give something back to the community that is giving me so much everyday that I am a part of it. I'm really aware that this event is so much bigger than me, the part that I am playing is so much smaller than this event in it's entireity but I still want to give this my everything, give it 100% and really help out this amazing community.
Thank-you so much for loooking at my page and reading through all of this, I hope that many of you will consider sponsoring me, Thank-you all.
God Bless