On June 13th 2014 I will be taking part in Vatternrunden - a 300km cycle ride round lake Vattern in Sweden. Starting at 7pm we (myself and 4 colleagues) will complete the course overnight and (hopefully) finish in time for breakfast the next day.
In order to ensure the ride is a sufficient challenge, I will be riding a fixed gear bike (48-18 for those that care!) which means there will be no coasting, no free wheeling or no changing down to an easier gear on the hills!
I'm raising money for the Norfolk Renal Fund, a Norfolk based kidney charity run by the consultants at the Norfolk & Norwich Hospital. They raise money to buy additional equipment for the NHS Renal Units in Norfolk.
Over the last few years, the treatment received by my father at the Jack Pryor Renal Unit in Norwich has been second to none, thanks to the incredible hard work of the staff on the unit.
Any donations to the fund are used to buy additional equipment for the Unit. This helps the staff extend the care they give to even more sufferers of kidney disease. Unfortunately the NHS can't provide everything the patients need, hence the existence of this charity. The fund is run by the consultants so any donations go straight to the ward - no expensive admin costs.
Thanks in advance for your kind donations.
P.S. You can read more about the Renal Fund on the following links: