This Just Giving page is here to collect donations for The James Brownhill Memorial Fund. This fund has been set up by James’ family following his death on 1st July 2011, on the Frendo spur in Chamonix, France.
The fund aims to encourage and foster a higher level of safety, good practice and sustainability within university climbing clubs.
The fund will award volunteer leaders with bursaries to undertake courses to consolidate and develop safe climbing practice for teaching new and inexperienced climbers in individual and group situations.
James was an avid climber and mountaineer. His love for climbing led him to develop skills in every climbing style but it was in Alpine and Traditional climbing where he sought to improve most.
James revelled within the wider community of climbing. He shared much happiness with those he met in the Peak District and regular trips to Chamonix; always encouraging people to embrace the challenges of climbing.
His consistent passion for climbing led to involvement with his university club, an opportunity to share enthusiasm, skills and
knowledge with like minded individuals.
James will be greatly missed, but through this fund we hope to preserve a passion and attitude to safe climbing that James contantly upheld.