In a little over a week, I will be cycling from the north to the south coast of Wales, for GroceryAid.
Spending over £4.25m annually and supporting thousands of people in need, GroceryAid work in partnership with hundreds of supporters from across the trade including multiple retailers, wholesalers, manufacturers and convenience stores and many more, including Eurilait. GroceryAid help with a wide range of topics including mental health and wellbeing, debt management, legal advice, family and relationship support and much more. (Home - GroceryAid)
Over the course of 3 days, the cycle covers a total of 368km, with climbing of over 5,500 metres, taking me from Caernarfon
to Cardiff, through Aberystwyth, Brecon and other beautiful Welsh towns and villages.
Safe to say the training has been steadier than planned, but I am hoping that the ups and downs of the Mendip hills will ensure I'm not at the back of the pack. Please give whatever you can to this worthy cause and I look forward to reporting back on the experience!
Thank you to all of you that donate, hugely appreciated.