Birminghams 5k Big Fun Run 8th September 2018
Cerebra is a charity that helps children and young adults with Autism, ADHD, Dispraxia and many other neurological conditions.
Junior is 6 years old and is diagnosed with ADHD with a longer term diagnosis of ASD. He suffers alot with anxiety and sensory processing difficulties. This charity has offered us help with his sleeping issues and also advice on his sensory problems. They have a fantastic library to lend out toys, books and many other things for children and their families. Me and his Daddy are immensly proud of our son and was shocked when he said he wanted to run for charity for children like him.
His already starting to train for his 5k run with sit ups, push ups short runs! His really on the ball!! we will update you all through his training journey.
Thanks for reading. :)