Jackie Heard

Jackie 's Skydive page

Fundraising for Princess Alice Hospice
raised of £500 target
Donations cannot currently be made to this page
Event: Skydive, on 22 September 2013
In memory of Geoff Ledger
Princess Alice Hospice

Verified by JustGiving

RCN 1010930
We provide compassionate hospice care to improve quality of life right to the end


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I first found out my dad was ill back in the summer of last year (2012), but later found out he had actually been diagnosed with prostate cancer back in  2009, 3 months after we had lost my mum to kidney disease. He had kept his illness to himself.

The summer of last year can only be described as really dark days for me. By August he had become so ill he could hardly walk and everytime he moved in a certain way he would shout out in pain.The cancer had already starting spreading to his bones. It was heartbreaking seeing a man who had been so active, in this kind of state, not knowing what was happeneing and deteriorating in front of my eyes. The helplessness i felt was indescribable.

By September the cancer was spreading further throughout his body (unbeknown to me). I eventually found out (by accident) about his diagnosis and eveything suddenly became clearer to me. Dad still couldnt accept what was happening to him.

My world had suddenly collapsed in front of my eyes and there was not a thing i could do about it.

I didnt really know anything about Hospices other that they were places that i believed you went to die; so when an amazing lady called Donna Lansdale from the hospice palliative community team got involved with my dad and our family it was like a huge relief to learn of the different elements of care they provide. Donna made great things happen, helped sort and arrange things for dad's care and just made something that was so terrible not seem so terrible in a strange kind of way.

Dad went into the Hospice twice. The first for about 3 weeks for respite care. He didn't want to go as he believed that he was never going to come out again, but eventually he did and grew to like it there thinking it was a fantastic place. He came home the week before Christmas but then sadly returned to see his final days there in March.

We are so, so grateful to Donna Lansdale and the Princess Alice Hospice and all the Ruby/Amber team for all that they did for dad, it is such a fantastic place and they do wonderful things for people who really really need there help and support.

This brings me onto why I'm doing a skydive, well i didnt fancy walking or running so i belived that the skydive was the next best thing, i have done one before (although that was over 15 years ago) but i figured how hard can it really be !!!!

Not only have I lost my brave amazing dad but a great friend, I treasure every single memory, thank you for everything you did for me and the kids, i will never be able to thank you enough. God bless you dad, This is for you.



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About the charity

Princess Alice Hospice

Verified by JustGiving

RCN 1010930
At Princess Alice Hospice, we provide exceptional end of life care in our hospice and in the community. We know we can’t prevent death, but we do whatever we possibly can to make it the best it possibly can be. But, above all, we believe that hospice care is for living.

Donation summary

Total raised
+ £141.25 Gift Aid
Online donations
Offline donations

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