Right now, someone feels so alone, so helpless, so in pain, that suicide feels like the only option. With support and time, they could fully recover and live a full, rich life. Without it, they could lose everything.
Their story is unique - their crisis is not. Thousands face this life or death situation, often unseen and unheard. For some, it will be too much. 400 people in the UK will attempt suicide today - 18 will die.
Their deaths will rock our communities; people bereaved by suicide are at greater risk of suicide. The facts are clear. The need is urgent.
Grassroots prevent suicide by empowering local communities. They help communities identify and support those at risk of suicide. They reduce stigma to increase help-seeking. They offer innovative, alternative routes to help for people unlikely to use mainstream services. Their training, anti-stigma work, and pioneering digital projects have helped save thousands of lives.
Join me in keeping everyone safe from suicide.