For the last many years I have severely struggled from Anorexia Nervosa. Previously, I have never been in the place to do this type of fundraising and I’m so glad I can now.
Over the 4 years I spent in hospitals I’ve met some amazing and strong people who will be with me forever. I’ve also lost people. Mental illness is destructive and makes you feel like it wouldn’t matter if you were gone which couldn’t be more wrong.
Anorexia affects millions worldwide of all different genders, ages, races and cultures. It has the highest mortality rate of any mental illness be that to suicide from feeling like you can’t live in torture everyday or from organ failure.
You don’t need to be severely underweight to have an eating’s a MENTAL ILLNESS. Weight loss Is merely a side affect but saying that it can be a fatal one.
Ive never really spoken about this before because my anxiety’s and doubts get in the way “what will people think of me” “they’ll think I’m doing it for attention” “I don’t even look unwell anymore”. All of these are implemented by society’s stigma around eating disorders and mental health. You can be riddled with anxiety but come across confident, you can come across annoying when you’re really paranoid, you can look healthy but your brain isn’t.
When I was in hospital, a person from beat, a beat ambassador, came to speak so some of us. I remember thinking i would never be In a place to preach about recovery, I didn’t want to recover. Never would I have thought I’d be in my last year at school, have unconditionals for uni, have a job etc. All I can say is thank you to that beat ambassador for giving us hope when we saw none. Please help me raise money for this amazing charity. Xx