We are raising money for a 4 year old girl Malaya to have a Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy an operation that can change her life! By taking part in the Chiltern 50km walk from Henley on Thames to Princess Risborough
Malaya Rose is a 4 year old singing, smiling, happy and gorgeous little girl who suffers from QUAD SPASTIC DIPLEGIA CEREBRAL PALSY. Malaya's condition means she has very tight muscles in her legs, arms and through her core. Fine motor movements and coordination are a real challenge for her and control is limited. Although she has these problems she lives and maintains a very busy and happy life.
Every day Malaya has to have 2-3 sessions of stretching and physiotherapy to keep her muscles supple and her range of movement as complete as possible. She has one private physiotherapy session per week focused on fine motor cues and deliberate movements as well as one horse riding session per week to Improve both core stability and balance.
A Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy would essentially rid her muscles of spasticity and tone, which is the main negative impact from Malaya's form of CP. It will enable her to use her muscles in a more deliberate manor through physiotherapy. It will relax those muscles mainly in her legs that are constantly trying to contract and will protect her in the future from further joint and bone diformaties. This operation will have an affect on so many things in Malaya's life and improve the following.
SDR is currently NOT available on the NHS in the U.K. the operation itself costs £22,500 and the essential intensive physiotherapy running the course of 2 years+ also not funded by the NHS costs a further £20,000+
So far the family have raised around £8k and we would like to help them get a little closer to their target.