Since April of 2020, Shonal from Chapters International has hosted a series of free educational webinars and online workshops for the international school community. We are a group of international teachers who have been inspired by Shonal, her generosity and her commitment to learning during the Covid-19 pandemic.
On behalf of the thousands of international teachers who participated in these Chapters International events, we would like to give back and raise money to support the British Asian Trust’s Covid-19 relief work.
You will have seen in the news and your social media feeds, the devastation the pandemic is having in India right now. Daily COVID-19 cases are the highest on record for any country at any point during the pandemic - and the worst still to come. Families cannot get treatment for their loved ones and the lockdown continues to impact livelihoods, education and mental health.The British Asian Trust and our trusted local delivery partners are ready and waiting to help save and transform lives. But, we can only do this with your support and generous donations.Donate today and together we can make a difference both right now and with what is to come for families affected by this unprecedented crisis.Thank you.