Touch the heART of Asian
In recent years, the image of Asia has changed in the western media- from a world of poverty to new booming economic power. The beauty of Asian art also impressed the eyes of western collectors, and thus born Asian Art in Lonodn- one of the most important art event in the world. Many of us might have forgotten that under the glossy reports of the strong growth, Asia is still suffering damages of the natural disasters. This year Indonesia suffered from earthquakes, volcanic eruption, and a tsunami. Thousands of people lose their homes and families. This weekend, an opportunity arises to touch not only the ‘art’ but also the ‘heart’ of Asia: you can have a tour to some of the hidden gems in the alleys and lanes in St James’s and Mayfair so that you could enjoy the visual feast of the craftsmanship of Asian artisans. We ask you to make a voluntary donation at the end of the tour either by writing a cheque to World Vision and give it to our guide, or by our Justgiving web page and the money will go straight to World Vision. You will also receive a copy of Asian art market analysis and introduction to Asian Art by some of the specialists and market experts.
The tour will commence at 6pm on Sunday 7th November and 8th November, please note that the itineraries for both dates are different. Please e-mail Ingrid at or make a call to her at 07906488182.
Places are limited, please register with Ingrid.
擁抱藝術 關懷南亞
十一月向來是亞洲古董藝術發光發亮的月份, 行之有年的倫敦亞洲藝術周不僅是眾星雲集的拍賣亮點,更是古董商與藝廊使出渾身解數搬出壓箱珍藏的競技場。相對於亞洲經濟的蓬勃發展,今年南亞苦於自然災害,數以萬計的災民流離失所,正需要你我的關注。Gallery Salonniere將於亞洲藝術周同時舉辦亞洲藝術文物巡禮,帶您探訪參加者除了能享受亞洲藝術周參展藝廊所準備的視覺饗宴之外,更可獲得倫敦文創工作者以及知名學者友情贊助的藝術市場分析簡介手冊一份。本活動完全免費,但希望您能夠於欣賞藝術之餘,伸出您的手援助南亞災民。
時間 十一月七日晚間七點到九點 以及
十一月八日晚間七點到九點 各一梯次,兩梯次行程不同
地點 十一月七日St James’s W1
十一月八日Mayfair W1
名額有限,請e-mail 陳小姐 或電07906488182報名