Alhumdulillah, I will be traveling to Lebanon on April 18th 2022 insha’Allah to visit the Syrian refugee camps and deliver aid with my own hands to those in need as part of the Ramadan Feed the Fasting campaign. I ask you to make dua and support us in this endeavour.
Ten years of hunger.
With the ongoing economic crisis in Lebanon, and in the aftermath of the Beirut blast, a staggering 94% of Syrian refugees, that’s 1.5 million people who are facing extreme food insecurity and urgently need help to access food. Only 4% of Syrian refugees in Beqaa have secure access to regular food.
Your support is urgently needed to help keep Syrians fed in Ramadan as they struggle to stay nourished.
Give Mercy Now!
£60 - will provide a Syrian family-of-six with a nutritious food parcel to last for a full month
£30 - provide a family with 2 bread deliveries per week for two months.
£7 – will provide a hot iftaar meal for a family-of-six
“The best of you are those who feed others.” – Prophet Muhammad PBUH
This project is Zakat eligible.
*Please state in the message box, when donating, that this is a Zakat donation*
***NOTE*** If you are a UK donor and tax payer, please remember to add Gift Aid to your donation at no extra cost to you. This will ensure Human Appeal UK get their admin (25% of your donation) and other operational costs covered to continue with their much needed work.
Give Mercy Now!
May Allah SWT reward you abundantly!