Thank you for visiting my page and supporting people with cancer. Maggie's is a charity providing free cancer support and information in our centres alongside NHS hospitals and online.
Maggie's is a breathing space away from the hospital where one can meet people who understand or just take a moment to gather your thoughts.
Ranieri, our beloved husband and father, architect, artist and friend to many, unfortunately passed away on the 3rd of March 2019. He enjoyed visiting Maggie's at the Royal Free where he attended classes such as Tai Chi on a regular basis which helped him to cope with pancreatic cancer. He was passionate about this charity and the effect of architecture and design on the quality of life of patients. He attended the Hampstead Heath walk enthusiastically in 2017 and 2018. Three months after our great loss and with his birthday approaching, we will be walking and raising funds for Maggie's in his memory.
Please donate what you can to help Maggie's to continue to provide free support, classes and a way out of the scary isolation that many feel when living with cancer.
You can also register to walk with us on Sunday!
See you there,
Gordana and Sofia