On Sunday 10th June 2012 Stuart, Muir, his cousin Keir and I will be walking 5k in memory of Chloe McIntyre. Chloe McIntyre sadly passed away at Yorkhill Hospital on May 14, 2008 aged six weeks two days due to a heart condition. Her family set up the Chloe McIntyre Memorial Fund in 2009, and have raised over £20,000 so far.
All the funds raised will go towards Chloe's Room - a multi-sensory room to be used by children of all ages for therapy and relaxation - in the New Children's Hospital in Glasgow, due to open in 2015.
I know times are hard for everyone, but this is an amazing charity and Chloe's Room will make such a huge difference to so many sick children. Please give what you can.
Thank you!
Imogen, Stuart, Muir & Keir xxx