Hello, thanks for swinging by, hopefully you are here to donate and not just read our witty banter.
In September we lost our Gran to cancer which, as everyone knows, is just the worst thing to see someone go through, it's heartbreaking.
Gran was lucky in the fact she was surrounded by her family to help in those last few weeks. However, none of us would have been able to help if it wasn't for the care and support of the Strathcarron nurses who were incredible and supportive, not just to our gran, but to all of the family.
As a family, we're all looking to do something to help raise funds for Strathcarron, myself and Euan have decided doing a skydive would be our contribution to this great cause.
If you could dontate anything you can, that would be great.
I am going to guilt trip everyone here, we always try and support any charity causes our friends get involved with, so please, please help us out here.
Thanks everyone.