I am walking 139 miles in 24 days to protect the Internet. But not just walking. I am encrypting my walk! Want to solve the code? Follow along and I will give numbers when I get to the milestone mile, which you can then decode to find out the word I encrypted!
Where I was born, the Internet was a luxury and my life changed when I got a computer and access to it. I now work for a company whose whole mission is to protect and defend the Internet for us to continue to enjoy it. Unfortunately, the Internet as we know it is under threat and some policymakers and law enforcement are putting all this at risk by creating ways to break into your encrypted data. Why? Because they think this is the best solution to catching criminals who use encryption too.The problem is you can't just allow certain people to break encryption. If law enforcement can break in to your stuff, so can criminals.The threat to encryption is massive, but on Global Encryption Day, together, can we defend it! I am raising money to support Internet Society mission for stronger Internet.