For those of you who don't know me, I am Ian Watt aka 'The 5p Guy' and in February I plan to cycle 500 miles on a gym exercise bike and hope to raise £2,300 to cover the cost of one whole day of Hospice care.
I started asking people to keep their 5p coins for me and I would collect them all over wherever I could - I have even been known to pick them up off the street! Soon word spread and more and more people started collecting them to help me donate them to the Hospice. It’s just grown and grown from there. I even have my face on little collection boxes in pubs and local businesses. It took me 16 years, and with the help of people in the community, I collected my 1,000,000th coin in 2018. It was a huge achievement but I didn’t want to stop there – but sadly coronavirus has meant I’ve had to.
Every donation no matter how big or small will make a huge difference to those in County Durham who are supported by St Cuthbert’s Hospice to help to make every day count. People in our community with life-limiting illnesses, people approaching the end of life and people who are bereaved need this vital support.
Thank you!