Ann Brown was a tremendous source of inspiration to Ian and his sister (pictured here with Ann) when they were growing up. In later life, and that's a lot later, given that she lived to be 100 years old, Ann developed Alzheimers and was looked after by her (slightly) younger sister until the two of them moved into a nursing home in 2002.
Ann died in 2005, perhaps never knowing that her sister, Ian's granny, had died almost a year previously. On a more positive note, conversations between Ann and her loved ones lead them to suspect that she was lost in a time prior to her fiances death during the war. A double edged sword as she didn't remember those around her, but she was probably very happy none the less.
Alzheimers Scotland provides support to those individuals and their families who are affected by Dementia. Please dig as deep as you possibly can for this worthy cause. Also, please feel free also to send us messages of encouragement as we prepare to cycle 51 miles... eek!