Those of you who know me well would admit that I am unlike Mo Farah in many ways, most relevant of which would probably be not really having any kind of running talent whatsoever. Since the days of cross country in PE lessons, I could usually be found loitering at the back of the pack or tactically "without kit" in order to avoid what would no doubt be described as a "C+, could do better performance" in the report card.
Despite all this, I have signed up to run the Royal Parks Half Marathon on the 6th October. For those of you who dont know the event, it is a delightful 13.1 mile jaunt through the many beautiful parks of London, hopefully resulting in little to no permanent damage to my "athletic" physique. After pounding (walking/crawling/shuffling) the streets of Geneva all summer in preparation, i'm hoping for a somewhat respectable time for what is a very respectable charity.
"But what can I do, Ian?" I hear you plead at your screens. Well, as you may have noticed, I'm running for Refuge which is a fantastic charity providing help and shelter to some of the most vulnerable people nationwide.
If you fancy supporting them, supporting me, laughing at me or just have some spare cash, I'd really appreciate a donation of any size (big or small) to help me reach my goal.
I'll post as many updates as I can on here and photos before and after!