Thanks for taking the time to visit my JustGiving page. We organise a sponsored charity netball tournament every year in memory of our son Tobi. Tobi was diagnosed with chronic renal failure at 16 days old and was transfered to Newcastle Royal Victoria Infirmary where they against the odds successfully managed to dialyse him. The RVI is one of few hospitals that have the expertise to dialysis small babies. During the next 14 months our family endured many ups and downs. The renal team supported us medically and socially in order to maintain a family life with Tobi's healthy twin sister Ellie. Tobi tragically died in 2010 at 14 months of age. Without the RVI we would never have created any of the wonderful memories we now have of Tobi. Ellie who is now 5 has two working kidneys however her younger brother Max who is 3 has the same condition as Tobi in one of his kidneys and is monitored by the RVI team. All donations will go to help the RVI 's renal team to further develop and kitemark new technology to deliver effective dialysis for babies and small children. Once again thank you very much.