In July 2019 i am taking part in the London to Paris cycle challenge, a 300 mile bike ride over 4 days (This replaces the 1 day, 100 mile Velo South ride I intended to do in September 2018, but that got cancelled due to bad weather). I am riding on behalf of the Alzheimers society who are battling to find cures for Dementia, which i have experience of, as my father-in-law had his final years severely impacted by the disease and a close colleague from LWT has recently died after suffering Dementia. If you can spare a pound or two to help with their research into the various forms of the disease they and i would be extremely grateful.
"Alzheimer’s Society is transforming the landscape of dementia forever.Until the day we find a cure, we will create a society where those affected by dementia are supported and accepted, able to live in their community without fear or prejudice."