There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable.
There is another theory which states this applies to my running. When someone discovers why I put myself through early mornings, rain, injury, pain, expense and all for a journey that I know will take me back to where I started off in the first place (but in a tired and sweaty body) having not collected, met or engaged with anything: i guess my running will disappear and I will replace it with something even more bizare and inexplicable.
But as long as that does not happen before 28th May, I am intending to put one foot in front of the other around 20,000 times and because I’m doing that, I would like you to give other people money. We live in a very strange world.
Sounds like a fair deal to me, you sit on a comfy sofa, I run 13.1 miles/a half marathon and we all help less people die from the hideous thing that is cancer.
Please donate, even a teeny tiny little bit of money, if not for the charity, just to make me suffer for making you read all of this.
Thanks (and please remember to Gift Aid it).