I will be joining 32 other keen anglers to fish the beautiful River Dee non-stop for 24 hours this June to support research and action to return the famous Aberdeenshire River Dee and the surrounding environment to its former glory. The river has suffered from loss of habitat in the water and surrounding countryside for some time which has seen the number of returning salmon and sea trout falling dramatically as well as significant reduction in what was a very rich and diverse range of flora, birds and mammals. The money rasied will be used by the Dee Trust to support the habitat , conservation and education projects and so protect the iconic wild Atlantic Salmon and many other species for the future.
The challenge will be to fly fish for 24 hours stopping only to rotate through seven sections of river (beats) and briefly to eat, drink and attend to the call of nature! If you don't fish, imagine cracking a whip every 3 or 4 minutes and you'll have some idea of casting the heavy 13 to 15' rods and lines, walking around15 miles much of which is done in thigh deep fast flowing waster and of course doing so for a few hours in the pitch black of night and you'll understand that this is a proper challenge that takes some will power to finish!
Of course its not all bad as I will be fishing with like minded people, sharing many laughs, enouraging each other and all in beautiful scenery. I also know that I will sleep VERY well afterwards!
Please dig deep to help me hit my target knowing that it won't just make a difference for us, but for many future generations to come.