Hello, I'll be taking part in the 2009
Pedal for Scotland event on Sunday 13th September 2009. This is a 55 mile cycle from Glasgow Green to Victoria Park in Edinburgh. I'll be riding with my friends Paul, Donald and Jeremy.
I have been training for this event by cycling around Newcastle, battling bravely through tired limbs and hellish chafing. I'd thought that my days of being cooed at whilst being smeared with Sudocrem were behind me, but it seems not.
Please sponsor me for this mammoth endeavour, bearing in mind that it will be all the more difficult as I'll be cycling
towards Edinburgh, not a prospect that fills a Glaswegian with relish.
All donations will go in full to the
Multiple Sclerosis Society. Like many people, I have family and friends who have been affected by this disease, I hope that you will be as generous as you can with your donations to support people with MS and efforts to find more effective treaments.
Thanks in advance, your support means a lot.