This March, I have challenged myself to take on HYROX to help raise money for people living with cancer.
HYROX Doubles is a team event where two participants complete the same 8-kilometre course, each running and performing functional workout stations together. The stations include exercises like rowing, skiing, lunges, burpees, and sled pushes, challenging both endurance and strength.
I am committing to train four times a week in preparation for this event. It won’t be easy, and I’m honestly a little scared about how challenging it will be, but I’m excited to push myself outside of my comfort zone. I’m determined to give it my all, and I’d love your support along the way.
I'd be so grateful if you could help me reach my £400 pledge.
There are currently 3 million people living with cancer in the UK today. It's Macmillan's goal to be there for everyone from the moment of diagnosis, but they can't do this without donations from people like you.
Thank you so much for your support — and please wish me the best of luck as I take on this challenge! :) :) :) :)