#Willdoes was set up in August 2019 by Lesley Paddy after the tragic death of her son William, aged 14 years. Charitable status was granted in December 2019.
The focus of #Willdoes is to promote any charitable purpose (including the promotion of education, physical health, mental health and social inclusion) and contribute financially to charitable projects for the benefit of young people in Dorset and the surrounding areas.
Introducing young people to sports and other activities to help them connect and engage socially, rather than retreat to more insular gaming and social media pastimes is a core value.
Our next challenge is to provide a double decker bus to act as a support vehicle and youth hub based in the seaside town of Swanage, providing a safe space for young people to meet and access information and support.
#Willdoes has seeded £10,000 to get this project off the ground and we need a further £40,000 to see it to fruition.