Approximately 1 in 4 people in the UK will experience a mental health problem each year. In England, 1 in 6 people report experiencing a common mental health problem (such as anxiety and depression) in any given week.
Odds are you’ve suffered yourself or are likely to know several people who have or will in the course of a lifetime. I am one of them. I’ve suffered with depression and anxiety since I was 12. It’s difficult and it makes fairly straight forward tasks or events a struggle.
I’ve dealt with it for that long, and made it through the lowest of lows, that I can now manage it fairly well. I still have my bad days but I’m lucky enough to have a strong support structure and coping techniques that work for me. Others are not so lucky and suffer so severely, it can mean day to day life is a constant battle. Cuts to NHS funding are crippling, many people cannot access the services to support them as there is not enough resources to provide essential treatment.
This is where Mind comes in. Mind is a charity that offers advice and information to people with mental health problems. They lobby government and local authorities on behalf of those with mental illnesses. Mind provide resources and raise public awareness/understanding of issues relating to mental health which is vital in breaking down the stigma of mental illness.
This year I have decided to raise funds for Mind, a charity dear to my heart and many others. To do this, I am training to run a half Marathon at the Great North Run. I’m also aiming to run 500 miles across the year. I’m lucky enough to have found running as a coping technique and it makes sense to put this to use to help others.
I hope you are able to donate generously if possible and you are welcome to join me on any runs across the year. I’ll also be making the odd cake here and there if running is not your thing.
Holly X