My name is Holly. I'm 24 and have juvenile Huntingtons Disease which is terminal. I inherited it from my mum Emma, who sadly died from this at 44 . I started being her carer from cleaning her, changing her, taking her to the toilet etc. Eventually she deteriorated so much we decided to take her to a care home round the corner. She ended up getting a wheelchair and feeding tube. No matter how ill she got or how little she could do the second I saw her, her face lit up and she had a huge beaming smile. She loved the little things in life having her hair and makeup done and getting flowers etc. She loved making people laugh. She was constantly telling people she's farted just to make them laugh. She died at Preston Hospital of pneumonia. A few months after I was diagnosed with the early stages of juvenile Huntingtons Disease and I have been slowly deteriorating. My life expectancy is 15 to 20 years as there is currently no cure. But there are trials that are going incredibly well. As most of you who know me will know how terrified of heights so I've decided to conquer my fears. I'm doing a tandem sky dive at 15,000 feet up to120 miles an hour. I know I'm going to be screaming my head off during this one. I just want to raise money for the charity that is close to my heart that will save lives in honor and memory of my mum Emma. I just want to make her proud. And possibly help them find a cure to save my life and everyone else who's suffering 💕