We are a local company with strong understanding of the importance of our place in supporting the pillars of our community, We have worked closely over the last 3 years fund raising for a very special organisation by the name of James Hopkins.
As we find ourselves in a very strange and testing situation that stretches across the globe, we would like to use this time to see if we can offer some much needed reassurance to the people at James Hopkins. With lots of fund raising ideas coming through starting with "Donate Your Travel Savings".
James Hopkins Trust provides care and support for Gloucestershire’s families and their young children who are life limited or life threatened. Some parents will know their baby has a condition that will cause severe disability or shorten their life before they are born, other babies will be diagnosed soon after birth or in early childhood. Often no-one can tell you how long your child will live, only that they need constant care. James Hopkins Trust exists to help these children and their families.
If you would like to be part of our journey please click the link to donate and help hit our target.
Thank You Very Much!