Thanks for visiting my page.
This year I am running the British 10k to raise money for a charity called Prison S.M.A.R.T. I built a close association with this charity over the past year and am really inspired by the work undertaken by them.
Quite often as a society we fail to work on the root cause of crime and feel incarcerating criminals will solve all problems. After the prisoners finish their sentence they return to the same circumstances (which drove them into crime in the first place) and they are unable to break this cycle.
In addition, without tools to process past trauma and present stresses, incarcerated individuals often cope with their negative emotions such as anger, guilt, mistrust, and frustration with violence, addiction, apathy or lethargy. The Prison S.M.A.R.T. program offers practical methods for participants to transform these negative emotions for true rehabilitation, and develop the core human values innate in all human beings, such as service to others and compassion.
The program has been very succesful in various parts of Europe especially Denmark and we are working towards establishing the program in UK.
I feel even more inspired to type this as I just came from a similar session I conducted for refugee teenagers from Syria, Albania, Afganistan, Iran and Angola . Having volunteered and conducted similar program's for past 4 years I can certainly vouch for their effectiveness :)
I sincerely urge you to go through the following website for more information and watch the following video
My target this year is to break the 5 min / KM mark. (I know its a cake walk for some but with my current fitness levels it is a challenging enough target :) So, despite having a slightly sore back I have been training for the past couple of weeks and with God's grace and a little bit of luck I should get there. For reference Last year I completed the distance in 53.30 :)
Thanks again and please support the cause generously!