What was I thinking???? most of you know, I quite like wine, particularly as I've been lucky enough to make a career out of it. I think like most people I also always feel like I should do more to help worthy causes and charities as there are so many that do such fantastic work.
When I saw the chance to run the London Marathon and fundraise for Drinkaware at the same time it seemed absolutely the right choice as there are so many people for whom alcohol has anything but a positive influence on their lives.
There are over 1million people currently deemed to be alcohol dependent in England alone. Drinkaware's work is focussed not on stopping people drinking (that would be fairly hypocritical for me to support in my job!) but on educating them to know their limits and drink alcohol responsibily. It is something that should be enjoyed not abused to the point that it ruins lives and relationships and I would be really grateful for anything that you feel you would be able to contribute towards this charity.
To find out more please visit
Alternatively, if supporting a charity doesn't melt the icy core of your hearts, I've never run a marathon before and this is going to hurt.... a lot!
Your sponsorship will mean that you can, in good conscience, flick on BBC 1 on Sunday 22nd April and sit there happily munching on your toast, drinking your tea, with your feet up knowing that you've helped support me get so tired and dehydrated that I'm currently running over Tower Bridge trying to chase down Matthew Pinsent because I think he's a giant acorn and I'm a squirrel.
Please support me, anything at all would be really appreciated!