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Two and half years ago, My Little Sister, was diagnosed with Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia, and her world - or so i thought - was turned upside down. After two days of numerous blood and bone marrow tests she was placed on chemotherapy drugs, something that has completely revolutionised the world of cancer treatment. Up until very recently she would have had to have a full course of intravenous chemotherapy, a bone marrow transplant, lost her hair and needless to say it would have been a very different experience. But instead she can live her life, near enough, as she did before., She is extremely lucky that cancer research has progressed as much as it has in the last 20 years. Without the help of the people selfless enough to push themselves both physically and mentally to raise money for cancer research, this progression cannot be made. We all need to make sure that we continue to fight this hideous disease and continue to donate, so that the millions of people suffering around the world are afforded the somewhat ironic blessing that I have been granted.