Help SRF - YOUR Sadaqah Jariyah Charity
Fundraising for Seeking Reward Foundation (SRF)
Fundraising for Seeking Reward Foundation (SRF)
Since 2013 we have been doing Sadaqah Jariyah (ongoing charity) work for YOU! Now, for the FIRST time after 6 YEARS we are asking for YOUR help to keep YOUR Sadaqah Jariyah charity running.
We only need £35,000 to cover the operational costs and keep SRF running for the coming years of planting seeds of Sadaqah Jariyah for YOU. So we just need 350 people to give £100. Please give whatever you can and invest in YOUR akhirah. Some of you are able to give £10 and some £500. Allâh is the Provider.
JustGiving has a 0% platform fee! So they won't take a penny from YOUR donation. DONATE NOW! PayPal is the same! Scroll to the bottom to click our unique PayPal donation link.
Imagine the rewards for donating today! By the Mercy of Allah, for every deed of Sadaqah Jariyah done in EACH of our projects, YOU will get a share of the reward!
So, the reward for Qur’ans being read from, any knowledge gained (through books, CDs, classes, lectures, Mosque audio systems and online videos!), water supplied to those in desperate need and much more – all of this is in YOUR scale of good deeds, inshaAllah!
Why SRF?
ALL our work qualifies as Sadaqah Jariyah! We are YOUR Sadaqah Jariyah charity. Our aim is for YOUR scale of good deeds to be getting heavier and heavier every second from now until the day of judgement. Since 2013 SRF has remained and continues to be one of only a few genuine 100% donation policy charities. Every penny we receive for projects gets utilised on the cause.
Why Sadaqah Jariyah?
Sadaqah Jariyah is a form of ongoing charity which will keep earning you rewards for as long as other people benefit from your charity - even after you have passed away! The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:
“When a man dies, his deeds come to an end except for three things: Sadaqah Jariyah; knowledge which is beneficial; or a virtuous descendant who prays for him (the deceased).” [Sahih Muslim]
We plant seeds of Sadaqah Jariyah for YOU so you can be involved in deeds that will benefit you even after your death, in sha Allah.
Please HELP us so we can help YOU.
Our beloved Prophet (ﷺ) said 'charity does not decrease wealth'. [Sahih Muslim]
Believe in those words and DONATE any amount for the sake of Allah.
After the help of Allah we rely on YOUR generous donations.
UK Bank Transfers:
Account Name: Seeking Reward Foundation
Sort Code: 40-11-18 Account No: 54765796
Reference: HELP SRF
International Bank Transfers:
Account Name: Seeking Reward Foundation
IBAN: GB94MIDL40111854765796
Branch Code: MIDLGB2102K
Reference: HELP SRF
PayPal (0% fees using link below)
Charities pay a small fee for our service. Learn more about fees