Founded in 1982 the British Hedgehog Preservation Society (BHPS) offers help and advice to those with sick, injured or orphaned hedgehogs and maintains a list of rehabilitators in the UK. The BHPS is a registered UK Charity (number 1164542) dedicated to helping & protecting hedgehogs native to the UK (Erinaceus europaeus).
I have always had a passion and deep interest in nature and feel strongly that we have to protect their space to live and thrive. People talk about protecting nature but they don't mean the larger native animals, badgers, hedgehogs and foxes to name a few, they have every right to space to live a happy, healthy life.
We need to stop using pesticides, agricultural practises that destroy insects, mammals and nesting sites. Grow tall thick native hedgerows full of native plants and trees which provide food and shelter for lots of our animals. Let nature grow, stops being so tidy in our gardens, let the grass grow, dandelions grow and begin to love what is around us again.
I will be walking 5 miles (8 km) as part of The Big Green Hike