Thank you so much for visiting my donation page!
The reason for me donating my hair is that, i dont need it. I love having long hair, i love putting it in messy buns, strightening it and what not. So every time i see someone with no hair, i just start to feel really upset, that shoudnt be happening to people they dont deserve it. No-one does!
Another big part of this was a girl on youtube called Talia. Talia had cancer, i loved getting home after school, going on youtube, watching her videos over and over again. i still do, Talia had an inspiring personality, she never let life get her down. Talia never wore wigs in her videos, if she did it was for a laugh. She said that 'Make-up was her wig', she was the one who got me into make-up. Talia died sadly last year, this has a big part in why im going to donate my hair.
I would like to make as much money as i can and i hope that who ever gets my hair loves it as much as i do, all i want to is make a child smile xx