Every year 10,000 young people leave care and many are thrust into the adult world before they are ready, facing a life without the support of family and friends that so many of us take for granted. Young people tell us and also from observation/experience they’re missing the skills and trusted people they need to help and support them navigate this new chapter in their lives.
Some do not have positive adult role models, peers, or even family. And a lot of independent young people also don’t know how and who to approach about certain situations or might not feel comfortable with communicating which leads to more issues. Which causes them to go down negative paths of life (joining gangs, criminal activities, drug abuse etc) especially in the society we live in today. Also others struggle to access education, employment, health services, or to maintain financial security.
We would like to change that by gaining (hiring/volunteering/adding to the team) support from people with the leaving care backgrounds and would have been through the same similar experiences or any type of experience in this area, these people would we best picks for this charity as they would’ve gain skills through the struggles they’ve gone through and now can use them as transferable skills for the charity.
MONEY BEING RAISED FOR:Every young person in care and leaving care should expect to receive the very best care alongside the support and love they need to thrive. The impact of having been in care does not end at 18, 21 or even 25. It is a continuous lifetime experience that can the leave both positive and negative affects.To tackle the issue, we have created HELPHOODKIDS a charity to raise the funds which will help young people to bridge the gap between leaving care and finding their own way in the world, providing a broad range of support and mentoring.
For future plans; We want to raise enough funds to open up a comfortable environment (i.g cafe, barbers/salon or even venture out and start an app) for young people who are either care leavers, young vulnerable, gang afflicted(effected), LGBT etc. To have somewhere to come/contact and feel comfortable and still get the support needed. Because we feel like that as a future plan would open loads of different amazing avenues. And there’s no other like it.
* I am also a care leaver. I have my own personal experiences and know how the systems have been ran for a few years. (In care 16, hostels & semi-Independents & temp accommodation)
I feel like this charity would be a way to turn a; something once seen (and still seen) as a struggle and negative situation into a purposeful, supportive, successful charity that could expand and become something more.
So thank you please support and donate. ❤️