Mum had been suffering from problems with her memory for a couple of years and was diagnosed with dementia in 2015.
The picture above shows mum on her 90th birthday when we had an afternoon tea for her surrounded by her family and friends. Mum had a lovely time, but within an hour of the last guest leaving she had completely forgotten that it had taken place.
This year saw the birth of two new great granddaughters for mum. Sarah's baby Isabella, and Nick's second daughter Philippa, both born on the same day in March. Mum loves it when the babies visit, and "in the moment", we see signs of the old Nana, but if asked about them later, she has completely forgotten that they exist!
We, as a family have found it hard to come to terms with the change in mums behaviour, and have turned to the Alzheimer's Society on a number of occasions for help and advice.
I am doing this walk mainly to raise awareness and hopefully raise some money so that the Alzheimer's Society can continue their invaluable work into research and helping both sufferers and their families to understand and cope with how the disease affects them all.