Nick and I were searching for a challenge at the start of the year and realised the answer was right under our noses, our friends Greg and Charlotte run a company called Go Commando and have been quietly badgering us in the past couple of years to join them on their Three Peaks Challenge. We finally ran out of excuses!
So on September 16th we will be embarking on the challenge to climb Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike and Snowdon in 24 hrs, walking through the night and including 500 miles of driving between mountains!
We feel we might need an incentive to do this and have chosen to raise money for a very good cause, The Child Bereavement Charity. This charity aims to make a real difference to bereaved families through providing accessible quality support and information to all affected by the death of a child or when children are bereaved, and accessible quality training for the professionals who work with these families and children.
Within our own family and our extended family over the past few years we have experienced such a loss in differing ways and have been lucky enough to have benefitted from the services and support of the Child Bereavement Charity. It felt like a natural choice for us to raise money for.
For more information on the charity and the amazing work they do:
If you can help to raise money by sponsoring us in any way you can this will ensure that at our hardest part in the pitch dark, cold (and potentially rain) we can push ourselves onwards and upwards, knowing we could not possibly return shame-faced having not completed the challenge. What's three measly little mountains in 24 hrs compared with the pain some people have to live through every day?
Thanks for any help you can give us!
Helen and Nick x