I hadn't planned to raise money for any charity for the 10K this year.
That changed when Dave slipped on rocks in Cornwall in July and broke his ankle. Without the RNLI coming to rescue him, Dave would still be there waiting for his ankle to heal and swimming twice a day when the tide came in! I honestly don't know how we could have got Dave to safety and hospital without their help. The least I can do to say thank you is go for a run and ask you to give some money. Thank you so much!
Too many people are still drowning. More than ever we need the RNLI’s help. As a charity, the RNLI depends on our donations so it can go on saving lives and keeping us and our loved ones safe. RNLI lifesavers are our lifeline. They’re the lifeboat crews who provide 24-hour search and rescue right around the UK and Ireland. The lifeguards keeping watch on 240 of the busiest beaches in the UK and Channel Islands. And the RNLI safety teams and educators working tirelessly to stop people getting into trouble in the first place. Thank you.