Just over a year ago, Elliott's Coffee shop opened up in our village of Chiddingfold, with the aim of employing young people with disabilities (Covid has not allowed this to happen as planned but it is now well on its way). This is where I learnt about halow and the amazing work they do, so when I saw that they had places in the #LLHM, I couldn't wait to sign up.
It all began with Harriet, Amber, Laura, Oliver and William. These young people each have a learning disability and together they were the inspiration for our charity, in fact their initials spell the name halow. Their families were concerned about the children’s prospects and that of other youngsters like them and so in 2006 the parents got together with the aim of nurturing young people with disabilities and guiding them towards fulfilled and happy lives. And so, the halow project was born.
From humble beginnings (one room and one person), halow has developed beyond all expectations. We now employ over 60 members of staff, with 30 Buddies and many volunteers. We support over 190 young people in their quest to lead meaningful, independent lives.
We have become a significant organisation; seen as a specialist in our field, not only by young people and their parents but also by the local authority and the wider third sector
Please help our staff, supporters, partners, keen runners to support our young people, raising money for halow project, while they run for 13.1 miles