Bailey is a happy boy, he loves to laugh, dance give the best cuddles. Bailey has a rare genetic mutation with neurological conditions, he has Autism, epilepsy, low muscle tone, hypermobility and a visual impairment. In 2019 Bailey was diagnosed with a brain tumour he started chemo within a couple of months. The chemo made Bailey very poorly and unfortunately after 7 months of treatment they discovered that the chemo wasn't doing anything to his tumour. His neurosurgeon was able to remove a large amount of his tumour during an 8 hour operation. A year later another tumour was found, the plan was to take regular scans and to wait to see its progress. Sadly the following year another tumour was found. As chemo hadn't worked previously and the new tumour was deemed inoperable Bailey had proton radiotherapy in December 2022 for 6 weeks. Bailey had a scan in July 2023 and unfortunately the tumour has grown