Hi Guys!!!
In October 2011 I'll be jumping out of a plane to raise much needed funds for Rainbows Hospice for children & young people in Loughborough!
"Sadly, Some children simply don't live long enough. Since 1994 Rainbows have opened their doors and hearts to those children and the people who love them most. and now more than ever, they need your help to keep on bringing care and happiness to their children and families. As the East Midlands' only hospice for children and young people, Rainbows is a place where life-limited children and their families can find care and support. Rainbows' incredible team of people help to relieve symptoms, improve quaklity of life, support parents and siblings through their bereavements & care for children until the end."
Having visited rainbows myself & seen the staff in action, i have seen first hand how they touch children's lives & how they help families cope with their predicament. The children who attend Rainbows look forward to it weeks in advance & Their little faces light up when they see the front door.
For more information on Rainbows Hospice please visit
Many Thanks & much Love
Heidi Bruce XxX