As the war in Ukraine continued to worsen, we wondered if there was anything we could do to help. It was such a distant situation, but one in which we saw our lives reflected; families just like our own, thrown into desperate times. Our community choirs do what we can to support those in need; we include fundraising ideas into many of our rehearsals and donate the money from all of our productions to local and national charities. For Ukraine, we held bring and buy sales, we had social evenings in which we sang about all things yellow and blue (while wearing yellow and blue!) and finally, we decided to put together our own video to show our support. We also hope this encourages those watching to donate a few pounds to our Ukraine UNICEF fund. As our budget and resources are limited, we chose to support this wonderful organisation who really are assisting on the ground, where it is needed. Calling all Angels, is a beautiful song. Our MD has arranged it for our ladies to sing.
Actions do speak louder than words and we hope that our video, a message of solidarity, hope, love and goodwill to those in Ukraine, spreads far and wide.