All is revealed! Here's the photo taken at the bottom of our pool, with the Headmaster teaching us a lesson about the importance of fresh water. The photo is now on display in LWC Prideaux Building - do come and see it if you can. Thanks to Candice and her team and especially Sean from Sunken Dreams for making it happen.
Update - Candice's exhibition takes place at LWC on Thursday 3rd November, when we'll reveal the photograph of the Headmaster (you'll be amazed!). All sponsors are invited, so please join in and help us reach the target.
Here's the story of how it happened:
LWC’s Headmaster Fergus Livingstone took the plunge into the deep end, wearing his pinstripe suit, for an underwater photoshoot with celebrity photographer Candice. But on one condition - that he raises at least £2000 in sponsorship for the Lord Wandsworth Foundation.
The Lord Wandsworth Foundation is currently supporting 50 pupils at LWC. All of them have lost one or both their parents and have been facing real challenges at home. Since we opened our doors in 1920, we’ve helped over 2,500 Foundationers, making us one of Hampshire’s most successful children’s charities. Please help us to safeguard the future of the Foundation and the life-changing work it carries out.
As an added bonus, all of you generous donors will receive an invitation to Candice's Fresh2O exhibition at LWC's Prideaux Building on 3rd November 2011 when the photo of the Headmaster underwater will be revealed. We look forward to seeing you there! (Note to donors - this won't affect your gift aid status).