This year Hazlegrove will be performing a Virtual Carol Service.
With current restrictions and to allow the School to respect social distancing measures and year group bubbles, we will be unable to celebrate in our normal way at Wells Cathedral. Pupils will instead be performing hymns and readings which will be integrated into a Virtual Carol Service video for us all to enjoy on Thursday 10 December.
Every year we support a local charity with collections at the doors of the Cathedral and the generosity of the Hazlegrove community has benefited many local charities including Sherborne Area Refugee Support, Sherborne Churches Together and Community Christmas. We would still like to raise money this year and have chosen to support the Breast Cancer Unit Appeal for the Yeovil Hospital Charity. The Charity is aiming to raise £2 million to build a dedicated Breast Cancer Unit at Yeovil District Hospital.
The Yeovil Hospital Charity tells us more, "We have already received a gift from a grateful patient who left us a donation in their Will. This means we have already hit the £1 million mark and have another £1 million to raise. The new unit will bring all of the relevant services together, meaning that patients will no longer need to move around the hospital to access the various services they need. Patients can see a specialist nurse, have their clinical examination, an ultrasound scan, a mammogram, a biopsy, a prosthesis fitting and an appointment with a doctor, all in one place."
The appeal has now surpassed the £1.6 million mark meaning they are in reach of hitting their £2 million target. We have set up a JustGiving page to replace our usual collections and would be hugely grateful if you felt able to support this appeal.
We thank you all for your support.