On 23rd April, I'll be enjoying a 26.2 mile sightseeing tour of London - on foot. Yes, against my better judgement I'm running(ish) the London Marathon again.
To make all the mileage worthwhile, I'm raising money for Macmillan in honour of five much-loved relatives who have all battled cancer with courage, grace and the occasional dash of dark humour.
Sadly, cancer feels like an inevitable part of life. Whether it's family, work family or friends who are like family - we all know someone who has or had cancer. And it's shit. Cancer takes so much from those it touches and their loved ones.
Macmillan are there to help carry the burden. From care to financial advice, or just being a shoulder to cry on - Macmillan strive to support every cancer patient. But this great work can only continue with your support.
Anything you can donate makes a huge difference and is so gratefully received.