I along with my 8 year old son Raife Browne and many, many family and friends will be joining you all on the 30th September starting at 9am from Battersea Park, you can either join our team HRB (Hero Raife Browne) password Browne or join as an individual at any given time ... the More the merrier .. thank you for your support x
Raife was diagnosed at the age of five with no history of diabetes in our family and with no prior warnings Raife became unwell literally overnight, so when you are rushed to hospital with your child very poorly indeed to be told “your son has diabetes”! You as a parent think your world has caved in, completely dumb struck and whilst spending that first night in hospital, me reading anything and everything to do with the illness whilst your child screams the ward down whilst being pricked and prodded by the most superb nurses and doctors but it’s still your child .. you step up to the mark with no to sleep. This is your child you need to deal with this. So the next bleary eyed morning I take charge, not just teach me, I am doing this and you tell me when I’m doing it wrong. To inflict pain on your own child is wrong but it’s also right, you are the one they trust and know. I tell Raife I have to do this baby, to explain to someone so little this is what we have to do to go home breaks you in two, but it’s essential.
We muddle through a few days in hospital and they let us home for an afternoon, then an evening and my the first night was terrifying, sitting watching, finger pricking to see if you child is still alive was the worst night of my life, and for then to see the red line pop up .. well that night and feeling I won’t forgot ever.. I went through the procedure of dextrose, bloods, more dextrose ... something that now three years later is the norm .. now not as scary as you have learnt to deal with the highs, the lows, the ketones, the unexpected illnesses, the mood swings, the continuous night time blood checks .. there is not a night that goes by that I am not up and around at 2 or 3am .. like now it’s 2.15 and I am wide awake! I’m like the night walker and everyone that deals with this cruel and hurtful disease is affected.
This changed our lives drastically as it has done for the millions of others world wide. We need to work together.
Raife has and still is learning to deal with this daily, but what I can say even though it sounds strange .. Diabetes has made Raife the strong, courageous, funny and “not a care in the world” attitude that he has today .. he’s one tough boy and the older he gets he will get even more so as he has now found the courage the strength to put his energies into sports as he knows this is what will make him take on the world and his diabetes, to be strong, fit and healthy ...
To walk at my sons side and that of so many others who walk our shoes every day and every night, will be an honour and a privilege to say the least.
It’s us “together” that will raise awareness and the well needed pennies to find a cure, a proper cure to help everyone and give everyone a break as diabetes is tiring for all involved ... and to give our son the future he needs and deserves.
We love you Raife .. our very own superhero 💕