Sadly on the 5th July 2015 I lost My Grandfather to Dementia.
My Grandfather was a huge part of my childhood and was very much like a Father figure to me.
Dementia can take somebody so quickly and nothing can prepare you for that.
After many falls my Grandfather had to stay in hospital because we could not give him the care he needed at home .
Visits to the hospital became a struggle,my Grandfather became very weak and vunerable and didn't look like himself anymore.
I never knew that when I walked in the room each time i visited wether this man who has known me my entire life would even recognise me and i felt like i was talking to a stranger having to remind him who i was ,this was like a pain i had never felt before and I found it hard to stay strong.
To watch someone so important to you deteriorate at the speed that my Grandfather did was truly heart breaking and impossible for me to put down into words.
This is an important charity for me as I have experienced it first hand and I would like to see more research being done to help with Treatments, Prevention Stratagies and improve the care of services for people with Dementia and their Families.
Please donate and help me to make a difference!!
Your support and donations mean so much to me, i am truely gratefull !